The Fantastical Realm of Goddess Adornments

An Enchanting Glimpse into my Studio and Jewelry Line

Born to be Adorned!!

To all the funky beautiful goddesses’ out there….I believe that we are all manifestations of divine universal love and light So let it out and let it shine!!!
So much is happening right now in our world and within human consciousness. During this drastic shift in evolutionary expansion I’ve noticed many people stepping forth and getting in touch with their true essence. Discovering dreams and bringing them full circle into reality. Myself included. This year I have embarked in an incredible mission of designing my dream job and actually making it happen. I am a jewelry artist who is developing a lifestyle around my art.
And it just so happens that this is the year of the earth rat in Chinese astrology. Meaning, that we are spinning fast…creatively working towards our goals. Gathering our resources, planning and getting things done! Sounds great to me…but the fortune warns that you must be careful not to burn out and also to plan carefully…and you will succeed.
By the way this year is the first year of a 12 year cycle. Last year was the year of the boar, year for vacation, travel and leisure (I went to Europe 🙂
So to all you other artists out there, I honor your efforts and I’m so glad we can all share this mighty wave of energy as it sweeps through our lives and plants the seeds of our future.

For all of those who are meeting me for the first time, I am Summer Raven, creator of Goddess Adornments ( . I make all my exquisitely handcrafted jewelry from the gifts of mother nature. I spend much time hand picking each stone and have searched to the ends of the earth for only the most beautiful crystals to use in my work. I look for distinct patterns, colors and energy fields, as I am also a trained crystal therapist. I also favor metals such as bali sliver and brass. My pieces tend to create themselves for I am just a vessel from which the stones speak. This is why every piece is a unique entity of its own.
The styles have a worldly and earthy feel to them. With a heirloom quality that will be treasured for years to come. I love exotic twists and a little edge is always nice. I appreciate the dark and the light and the entire spectrum in between…

In my blogs I will convey my daily life as a jeweler, new ideas and trends, the healing properties of stones and whatever else comes to mind. I will also post up my latest and greatest pieces I’m hoping we can all learn and be inspired from one another….
the best of blessings to you all~~Publish Post
Summer Raven

February 11, 2008 Posted by | Jewelry Daze | Leave a comment